Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 7 - Breakable and Unbreakable Bricks

I had a ton of extra time today so I got a lot accomplished. I feel like it's taking me longer than it should to implement each feature, but I guess that's just from lack of experience.

I finally got around to creating a sound manager. This holds 2 different types of sounds: sound effects and music. Sound effects are triggered once and play until they finish while music supports pausing, stopping, and repeating.

Next I finished up the brick class so it explodes into pieces when Mario hits it. I then implemented the question mark block which simply turns into an empty block when hit. I need to figure out how to load it with an item and have that pop out. I also squashed a bug in my animation class. I was calculating how long until the next animation frame but when one animation moved to the next frame it reset the time value. This caused the other animations to never advance frames! Now each animation holds a value for the time since it last changed frames.

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