Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 15 and 16 - Branching and Merging

I had to branch my code for the first time not because I was trying to implement crazy new features, but simply because I forgot to sync my code! I've been working on the level builder but when I went to work I realized all my changes were on my home PC. I didn't want to re-write that code so I made a branch and went along creating some new enemies. They haven't been tested yet but theoretically should work with a little more tweaking.

I merged the branch and master code together once home and continued working. The level builder is starting to come together! As Mario moves forward, new rows of blocks (and enemies in the future) are added to the screen. My FPS shot up from 1500 to 5000+ just with this change! Next up is removing the blocks and game objects once they pass a certain threshold outside the viewable screen. Then I just need to revise my collision detection algorithms and we'll be back in business!

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