Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 21 - 8 Hours a Day

What a day for programming! I had a great time working out some bugs and adding new content to my game! I swear if I could work like this everyday, then I would be finished with this game in under a month.

I started out by adding a loading screen which shows the level number and how many lives the player has. Then I thought "You know what I'm missing? A heads up display!" So I implemented that as well! It's printed on top of everything else and simply shows the player's score, coins, and level. I might use it later for debugging as well.

At that point, I added points for all the enemies and then figured I should fix the bugs with how enemies interact. The turtle shell now properly kills other enemies only when it's moving, Mario's fireballs explode when they hit enemies, and Mario can properly die now! He still has some issues moving from big Mario to little Mario but that's for another day.

Finally, I added the flagpole and a second level. The end animation is kinda janky and I didn't have a flag sprite in my spritesheet (so I just used a coin instead,) but it works and moves onto the next level.

I think I need to start tracking bugs and new features to prevent myself from getting sidetracked. It's hard to keep track of everything. Once I finish adding a feature, I often forget where to go next and spend time browsing Facebook or playing my game looking for bugs.

Here's a video of me screwing around with enemies!

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